CODE 006157
Perfectly Located 96,950 ft2 (9007 mts2) Lot w Structures.
Merida, Yucatan
Location * Opportunity * Building Site * Infrastructure * Size Cutting Mérida into steaks this is the Filet Mignon. Perfectly Located 96,950 ft2 (9007 mts2) Lot w Structures. The property…
Colm Cooney
Colm was born in Dublin, Ireland but he has lived in Japan for many years, before finally moving to Yucatan where he has found himself… MORE Email:
Phone: (999) 920-6856
Fax: (999) 920-6856
Cell: (999) 169-6430
Mitch Keenan
Mitchell Keenan, GRI, CRS received his Colorado real estate license in 1988. He obtained his GRI (Graduate Realtor Institute) in 1993 and his CRS (Certified… MORE Email:
Phone: (999) 920-6856
Fax: (999) 920-6856
Cell: (999) 955-9962
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